I also uploaded so many videos in vimeo but they removed all. and my aim is to share the osho videos what I am having ,with every one, my plan is to upload it again and share it once again.. can you please suggest me is the vimeo team is till removing the osho videos? or you can reply toI am planning to share the videos in oshTknmysore.ning.comohanis and LoveMahavir I also uploaded so many videos in vimeo but they removed all. and my aim is to share the osho videos what I am having ,with every one, my plan is to upload it again and share it once again.. can you please suggest me is the vimeo team is till removing the osho videos? or you can reply toI am planning to share the videos in oshTknmysore.ning.comohanis and LoveMahavir XaiT7Ldo0 kurzes Blatt, mit Solo, Wenz und Geierlanges Blatt, mit Solo und Wenz Plus Punkte Web: http://zngspt.com